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You are a conduit, is the energy flowing freely?

Writer's picture: Abbie MarshallAbbie Marshall

The message I have been getting for some time is we are a conduit, the plasma and light that is flooding in needs to flow freely through us unobstructed, this will provide the most ease and grace through this evolutionary process. This light is like a purifying fire, detoxing our body, and we will rise from the ashes like a Pheonix. If our bodies are congested or obstructed with toxins or emotional blocks, then this energy and light cannot pass through easily, this resistance causes pain, discomfort and ailments. In Ayurveda, the obstructions that prevent the flow of prana is called ama.

How does this relate to our experience of life at this time?

On the most subtle level our bodies are electric and there is so much light and energy coming in right now, the light of awareness, anything that exists in the shadow is being fully illuminated. It’s like someone’s gone into your closet and pulled everything out from the deepest darkest corners and dumped it in the center of the room for you to review. A lifetime of choices, experiences and traumas.

We are at a choice point, we can scoop up everything and push it back down into the deep dark corners of the closet like we have done in the past however this is almost feeling impossible to do, or we can choose to pick up each item individually, acknowledge how it came to be in our life, celebrate how it may of served us positively, what joy it brought or acknowledge what lessons we were shown through hardships or challenges, Not an easy task but the path we are being encouraged and supported to take.

I believe we are here to have certain experiences, learn certain lessons, and the sooner we can fully see and appreciate the lessons, the gold, even in our darkest, most challenging moments, the sooner we can move on from the lesson. The only way to move past the lesson, move past that continued experience which seems to spiral around and around, and move on to the next part of our evolution is to find the grace, peace, surrender and appreciation in each experience in order to ‘graduate’, knowing that more challenges will present over and over until we learn, the only way out is through.

These challenges and these themes will constantly present until we can shine that light of awareness and move on without the emotions of fear, guilt, shame, judgement, anger, resentment and can see them for what they truly are, a learning experience encouraging us embody more love, grace, faith, surrender and compassion, even when things are really dark.

Many people are experiencing a tower moment, the dark night of the soul, this represents our most challenging time/s in our life where a major part of our reality comes up for review, it could be work, health, relationships or location no longer feels like it resonates and there will be a crumbling or are falling away.

We may feel fear, anger, grief, shame, guilt etc, we may feel isolated, lonely and misunderstood, it may be affecting us physically or emotionally. As we desperately seek resources, people, things and experiences to ‘fix’ everything, make the pain go away, we need to realize that these uncomfortable sensations in the body are coming up to be processed and released not numbed or suppressed.

Sitting in the experience, feeling and acknowledging everything, crying, dancing, tapping, breathing and grounding, this is how we can move the energy through our body to alchemize, release or transmute it. There is no Saviour outside of us, this is our unique experience, this is our lesson, everyone’s dark night of the soul will be unique however we each have all the answers we need within and you are the person you have been waiting for.

The secret is in the stillness, in quite contemplation, you will be guided, the voice within will communicate with you and it will inspire, all you need to do is take action in faith and follow the guidance.

So as I mentioned at the beginning, this light is streaming in to raise our consciousness, awareness and vibration, this light can’t be stopped, this light is going to continue to come in and it can feel really uncomfortable if we keep pushing things to the back of the closet, almost unbearable, so if this experience resonates with you then it might be time to really start picking up one item at a time and work through and finally release any stored or blocked emotions and detoxify the physical body.

It’s through the light of awareness, through acknowledging and through witnessing that each item played a part in your life, made you the person that you are and brought you to this present moment and without that experience and without that item you will not be the beautiful being that you are having the experience you come here to have.

It’s also giving you the opportunity to realize these pattens kept you safe for a while but no longer need to govern your day to day experience. That’s as simple at is, if you feel it all without judgement, shame, guilt, fear, anger and resentment you can release so it's no longer stored in the body, and then as this immense amount of energy comes in it is able to flow unobstructed through our vessel and we are then able to ground it into the earth. The blockages, physical or emotional, prevent the flow of this energy and cause more discomfort.

We want to clean and detoxify our bodies physically and emotionally, by making great choices on a daily basis with a supportive daily routine, healthy food choices, lots of self care and firm personal boundaries so this beautiful golden energy can flow through our body and be grounded into the earth.

I have found a solo walk in nature to be the most supportive in this process, ideally barefoot, no distractions, no music, no conversation, just you observing you as you walk. I like to incorporate some tapping (EFT), breath work and stretching. You can even set an intention at the beginning of your walk that you would like to receive guidance on next steps in your journey. Remember, you are a conduit, be sure to stay hydrated with plenty of electrolytes, sunshine, and grounding but most importantly, embody your wisdom, walk your talk, follow your soul guidance.

So amongst the chaos, when everything seems to be crumbling, can you change your perspective? Can you see that every ending is also a new beginning?

If you are asking, why is this happening to me, can you re-frame it to 'this is happening for me, not to me' and look for the silver lining?

Even through the hard times, turn inward and ask what is the lesson here, how is my soul asking me to grow, evolve and embody more of my true nature during this shift in consciousness.

What a magical time to be alive.

Live Wisely

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© 2016 by Abbie Marshall.

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