Lets get to know kapha!
Kapha has the qualities of oily, cold, heavy, slow, smooth, static and slimy.
There are 5 elements (Bhutas) with Ayurveda and Kapha is made up of two elements, Water (ap or jala) and Earth (prithwi).
The purpose of Kapha in the body is to construct the tissues, support the body, lubricate the joints and mucous membranes, give the body strength and resilience.
So if you have Kapha prominent in your constitution (Prakriti) then you have a higher tendency towards developing a Kapha based complaint... makes sense right?
When Kapha is balanced you will experience;
Physical strength and stamina
Strong immunity and good health
Serenity, mental resolve, good memory, rational thinking and relaxed attitude
Nurturing, maternal, forgiving, faithful, giving and loving.
Ability to conserve and use personal resources wisely
Thorough, well organised, following through on tasks
Endurance, fluidity, calmness, flexibility and adaptability
Sensual and graceful
When Kapha is aggravated (Vikriti or disease state) you may experience;
Sinus and/or chest congestion
Allergies and hay fever
Fluid retention
Feelings of tiredness and heaviness
Weight gain
Low appetite and sluggish metabolism
Excess mucous and or saliva
High cholesterol and/or blood sugar
Kidney and gall stones
The natural site of Kapha is the chest (lungs and heart) but also found in stomach, pancreas, joints, plasma and fat.
The six tastes
Kapha increases when eating too much sweet, salty or sour foods and is reduced by eating foods that are pungent, bitter and astringent.
Kapha increases naturally in;
Childhood - birth to puberty - think growth and development
Late winter and spring - this is when we are most prone to chest and sinus congestion, hay fever, winter weight gain or fluid retention
the morning between 6am to 10am and evening between 6pm to 10pm
So to summarise, if you have a Kapha constitution you will need to be strictest with your diet and lifestyle during the Kapha increasing season and stage of life.
As you will hear from me time and time again, like increases like and opposite qualities pacify - so when looking to pacify Kapha choose foods and lifestyle activities that are opposite in quality for example foods and activities that are warming, light, quick, less oily and rough reduce Kapha.
Essential oils that can help to balance Kapha;
Volatile oils such as Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Basil, Tea Tree, Pine,
Spices like Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Thyme
Floral oils such as Neroli, Lavender, Geranium
Resins like Frankincense, Myrrh
To dive deeper into balancing Kapha, click here.
Live Wisely, Abbie x
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This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. It is for informational/educational purposes only, and provides Ayurvedic insight about how you can best support your body through seasonal changes.
Always consult your health care professional.