Are you carrying some extra weight or retaining fluid? These are some signs of a Kapha imbalance and dry body brushing can be a part of the solution!
If you are experiencing a Kapha imbalance skip the oil massage or abyanga part of your morning routine and introduce dry body brushing instead.
Smooths the texture and improves complexion of the skin
Detoxification through increased circulation and lymphatic drainage
Weight loss and fat reduction through increased metabolic rate
Eliminates body odour
Tones the skin and muscles
Removes cellulite
Makes the body feel light and the mind alert
How to
In the morning prior to your shower take a coarse bristle brush or exfoliation glove and apply to the body in long upward strokes towards the heart and against the growth of the hair.
You can use clockwise circular movements on the abdomen and around the joints.
Use gentle pressure on delicate areas and use firmer pressure on dry thickened skin.
Spend more time on any areas of congestion or cellulite.
The treatment is especially good to reduce Kapha and Ama and a helpful part of a late winter/spring time routine.
This is a great daily practice to reduce Kapha, if you are Vata or Pitta dominant you may fined 1-3 times per week is sufficient.
You can enhance this practice by using some stimulating essential oils on the skin prior to dry brushing, my favourites are En-R-Gee, Cypress, Juniper, Rosemary or Grapefruit.
Follow with your warm shower.
Traditionally a treatment called 'Udwartanam' is recommended for these conditions but not as easy to perform at home so in-between your Udwartanam treatments you can maintain your results by adding dry body brushing to your daily routine.
Udwartanam involves the application of warm, dry herbal powders to the body with long, firm and vigorous strokes that create friction. These movements are generally carried out in upward movements towards the heart against the hair growth.
The massage is stimulating and invigorating and leaves you feeling, light, energetic and alert! Now it makes sense that it is the perfect antidote for the slow, heavy, oily, solid and cold nature of Kapha.
Essential Oils
Some stimulating, uplifting oils I like to use at this time of year are;
Live Wisely, Abbie x
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Live Wisely Guide
For more Ayurvedic tips that allow you to live in flow with nature and create a daily routine please download your Live Wisely Guide;
If you have any questions, email me. I look forward to connecting with you soon!
If you are sharing your new daily routine on your socials be sure to tag me and use our community hashtag #letslivewisely so I can cheer you on!
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. It is for informational/educational purposes only, and provides Ayurvedic insight about how you can best support your body through seasonal changes.
Always consult your health care professional.